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Molly Rosenshein

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My Story.

Molly Rosenshein is a passionate singer-songwriter, dancer, and musical theater performer from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She will not hesitate to create music and dance with anyone at any time. The ten years she spent in Westchester, New York from ages 5 to 15 heavily influenced her obsession with music. Her days busking jazz standards in the summers of Santa Fe, this branch of her life was always going to grow. Molly looks back at her mother's voice lighting up her house and on their walks home from school. Their shared love for choral music laid out a beautiful foundation for her musical journey. Her father worked as a voice teacher at the Manhattan School of Music, giving her the chance to sit in on lessons with up-and-coming professionals. The opportunity to observe and perform alongside these incredible musicians as well opened up a new world of performing arts. The Presence and unbreakable energy that singing and dance ignited in her were transcendent—she knew she had to chase it. After New York, Rosenshein spent 3 years of high school at the New Mexico School for the Arts developing her technique and artistry, and 3 years at the National Dance Institute of Santa Fe.

She remembers the first time she was blown away by the creativity of improvisation. She and her mom went to a songwriting event where they used words from the audience to create rhyming lyrics with a concrete story accompanied by impromptu chord progressions. Moreover, she recalls her dad putting headphones on her as a kid that was playing the most beautiful art songs with raw, classical voices paired with harmonious piano. This new condensed sound was something that fired up her mind and body. Rosenshein believes that music combined with storytelling can open people’s minds, push for social change, connect communities, and challenge the status quo. She is so grateful for the alluring art form that is dance. Being able to consciously move the eternal energy within the body is the greatest source of healing we have. She hopes her art is something people can relate to, as well as feel inspired to express their authentic selves in new ways. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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